

Locally Active Sustainable Town

OOPS: Operating Overview of Permaculture Systems becomes OOPS: The opening of a Lyons Office Of Permaculture Sustainability to make it LAST...

Make a Lyons model Locally Active Sustainable Town (L.A.S.T.).

Model it strong enough to outlast attrition, catastrophe, oil collapse, flood, greenhouse effect, overtake by privatization, water wars, multi-national corporation or big government.

OOPS: develops into

my Office of Permaculture







Create local life systems health, education and public Regenerative Living benefit.

Create a Commons for all that gives all species rights to live  in good health that cannot be owned by people but honors the Earth.

Guarantee access to basic needs of water, air, seeds, and a richness of life as minimum local survival.

SuperSkyWoman Presents Tools that:

1. Raise level of government and community visioning to conserve local inherent value vs using tax base economy.

2. Design riparian corridors into value-making, value-adding local, waterlife-sensitive kept trails.

3. Design closed loop Financial Permaculture cycling surplus resource provisions for the community.

4. Form Permaculture-design Charrettes to assess optimum land-safe vs land-use practices.

5. Set up Action-Share: Motto: Be There or Be Square. Example: New Water Currency keeps local water systems flush with local health-wealth.

6. Build on successes. Earth-hand-building saves on emebeded energy costs. EROI.

7. Make a Good Business Case for local life system health: indices, metrics, gauges, Permaculture values upheld, organic food farm sheds, No GMO.. Study other business cases for shovel ready action. Catherine Austin Fitts’ (Solari) fallacy of the Triple Bottom Line shows tapeworm economy damage done. Substitute an Integrative and infinite Bottom Line. Create a Lyons Financial Permaculture. Import Village Building City Repair.

8. Water Mark UNMEG “un-megamachine” courses: Start a SuperSkyWoman course at Water Mark of Lyons PPP: LLC. Practice letting go of the Industrial Megamachine with others, use Conversations that Matter: NVC, RC, Theory U, Open Space, Conversation Café’s, All Species Representation, Joana Macy’s Work That Reconnects, Dreaming, Back-Casting, Transition games, Asking Nature, Spiral Dynamics, presaging energy work: (Blanche Merz) lines of energy, dowsing, water witching, locate high vibration energy, Emily Conrad D’Aoud micro movement, time travel through the earth....

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