SuperSkyWoman’s Goals: OA

Objective Arbitration, Elves...


Oranges to Oranges

Elves to Learning Masters, rank has no room here, we are associates, matched and matching, worn and wearing, hearing and listening to the longer further elusive, and the shorter nearer next tripping over. In 1990 At the Banff Centre Neomythic Residency SSW became Dodo Bird.

She intuits Lacandon Mayans not pushing equality (apples to apples) when all nature beings are unique.

Elves & Learning Budget:

Total costs:  Total $500 Approved by Advisor Valerie Seitz

OP8 Diane leadership training $50  DONE
OP9 Rennie Davis $100 Earth Whisper Individual training for Earth defender DONE

OP10 Lois Hickman & Jennifer Murnan, Indigenous Commons specialist, together $100 
OP 10, Shannon Francis Indigenous learning $100 an indigenous Hopi/ Dineh who asked me to sit & talk, I want to take her up on it for Art within Earth.
OP 10 or 11, Gaia U Elf TB determined- $50
OP 11, Toby Russel, Business Case, COO Nat Cap Solutions, meeting planned $50
OP 11, Diane Dandeneau, Life Coach Training $50

2 free elves:
Loretta Milburn for OP 7, gave me 6 hours free for Left/Right brain Integral balance, (art in exchange) DONE
Tom Douglas for OP 10 or 11. I am scheduling Local games (Brain in a bag & effective local activities for adaptive learning), is chair of the Economic Development Commission (art in exchange)

Details for Learning budget:
Lois Hickman,  Author/farmer/specialist/OT/children & Jennifer Murnan Farmer/Specialist/OT/elders are Mother/daughter proprietors of JenLo farm near Lyons, they are closest to treating their lands and animals indigenously than any farmer I ever came across. They Integrate local rights & nature commons for EcoSocial intention.

Shannon Francis, single mother of 6, takes her children wherever she goes, leads /serves all indigenous communities, daily broadcasting all matters indigenous. I subscribe. Not many people care to read the serious operational things Shannon sends, but my tradition was sharing  Indigenous Knowledge from Asiba Tupahache, Matinecock, Long Island, NY. From 1984 meeting to late 90’s she served indigenous community. I supported her Spirit of January Newsletters & we met as artists.

Diane Dandeneau, artist, singer, Solar tech specialist, SFC Chairperson, & life coach is now  teaching me project management, no cost.

Looking for a Gaia U elf to learn from, keep me on the art/business integrative GU balanced path.

Toby Russel is COO of Hunter Lovins’ Nat Cap Solutions & lives in Lyons.
If Workshop of 5 days with Hunter Lovins is postponed for Mid-March, I will sign up, high cost $1900, but gives experience, papers & connections with a group & SSW business case. She knows me as SuperSkyWoman. I’d enroll as SuperSkyWoman. Not asking for GU $.

Apples to Apples

Objective Arbitration

SuperSkyWoman lifts off, hovers in Objective Arbitration position in the sky, look up for her migrations, when she sees migrations she becomes them, that is how objective arbitration works, see one to be one, no rash judgements, listen and take formation. Reflect down. Take the time it takes. No forcing no arguments. Now to be less poetic, she’s switching left on a right-brain-flight to detail her goals for her Capstone year Elves & Such.

OP 9-Year 2 #3-Regenerative Healing:    Intro Contents    Specifications   

SuperSkyWoman’s Goals    Projects 1    Projects 2    Projects 3    Restore Our Commons   

‘da Health Blog    ‘Da EarthWhisper Audio    ‘Da presentpastfuturehealing Movie 1   

‘Da selfsufficiencyhealing Movie 2    Process Reflection    Conclusion    Supporting Evidence Digiphon    Links-OP 9-Year 2 #3:    Q to Gondogliere    Red Alert to the Commons   

OP8-Year 2 #2-Regenerative Waters    WW-OP8-Year 2 #2-Links  

Home Page      Integrative EcoSocial Design

OP1A    OP1B      OP2    OP3    Links 3&4      OP4     OP5     LInks 5    Op6 LR    GU          

7-Year2 #1-LIPD     7-Year2 #1-LIPD Links         8-Year2 #2       

Links WW 8&9 Year2 #2 & #3       9-Year2 #3 Regenerative Healing

Right Brain 10-Year2 #4 Art in earth        Left Brain 10-Year2 #4 eARTh

Links 10-Year2 #4        11-Year2 #5        Nicole’s Elf reWrite 11-Year2 #5  

Abandoned 11-Year2 #5 Appendix      12 LR Mahara     12LR i-web

1059 Words    2 Images    

Objective Arbitration comes from Abundant Neutrality where Apples & Oranges learn again to complement each other & share common goals by being themselves.

Intended Goal Statement: I intend to leave my options always movable, flowing to keep fresh and not get stuck, and ever grateful for my persona SuperSkyWoman who fell from great distances to buoy my worldly existence from the ancients that gave me so many ways to care for myself and our world.

Discovered Goal Statement: With my first year LIPD Megaphones measuring Epiphany, Evolution & Revolution states-of-being in my work, the realization of ‘Shusha Shushi’ blowing out my message to the universe while congruently bringing in a greeting message from the Ancients on that outgoing breath, set my reciprocal conversation as a flowing self-setting goal. √ √

Time Management needs constant work. I become more quick & dirty in my video & linking choices, don’t let professionalism take over.

I am succeeding in using my Capstone year LIPD Smart Goals & Learning Intentions as Personal, Professional & Gaia U checks:

  1. 1.I set Intentions, Goals, objectives, strategies for design that empowers me as world changer

  2. 2.I Choose appropriate Elves to go deep where needed, counterpoint my quick intuition

  3. 3.I Document the process of guiding my learning experience pathway tracking supporting evidence √

  4. 4.I leave open to re-evaluation which edges I push trusting this process √

  5. 5.I keep setting new benchmarks & live metrics to track my achievements, integrative, regenerative, set examples √

  6. 6.I know where I am. In charge of my timeline at all timeless times. I check in continuously with my intentions & self. I use intuition & deductive reasoning easily. draft mode, trust, constant revision √

  7. 7.Role models I identify with have passed but persist: Ree Morton, Ray Johnson, Dick Higgins, John Cage, Marcel Duchamp, Sari Dienes... I don’t need to request new live mentors other than be SuperSkyWoman, & a mutual society is born for interchange. old colleagues engage me back to work, Italy, Belgium, NYC, New Observations Magazine... √

1.I give niche for reviewers to evaluate, then adjust my work to a better place

2.i create a platform to observe & reflect where my pathways might take me design process, matrix map, asking nature beings √

3.I set a tone of being in charge of my own learning & GU experience 2 X month buddy chats & new Indian Buddy, attend many Maestro calls, read associates messages, look up their OPs, looking for elves, take my advisor & reviewers’ advice in timely fashion √

  1. 4. I develop methods / tools for measuring growth & my intentions / pathways relate to my degree. Why did I not specialize within IESD? The larger envelope holds all I do in specializing. I am delighted to be a well-integrating generalist, no fallow periods to fear. Am resisting pressure from advisors to narrow into naming a more specialized Art IESD Degree. My Permaculture and Particular Action-Event-Life Arts are Science-place-based Art √

  2. 5.My GU work is pertinent now in the world, & prospects for after graduation are limitless

  3. 6.My underlying Matrix contains meta levels, maps, supports, edges, flexible timelines, navigations & ethics

in security of         
    Nature’s abundance