Report 3

OUTCOMES- evidence of project outcomes & effects in the world:

Masuru Emoto playing music to water, thinking kindly, speaking softly, measuring rice into water’s sensibility, re-structures crisp, robust water.

I feel the power of believing in good water creates its restructuring, I experiment with home made stirring devices. Dad’s version is My version reversed: His allopathic subject versus my homeopathic companion...even in small doses Water entertains me!

Its healing tips any turning point balance.

How water is better managed in the body:

Dr. Bernstein’s low carb ‘n no sugar diet PREVENTS edema, instills  timing, observance & boosts my immune functions lost with early life use of turpentine + oilpaints.

Healthy water’s empowerments: Bruce Lipton’s affirmation of belief changing one’s DNA, Dad’s Nobel Laureate quality: sandwiches me between achievement and stress of falling short of  harsh expectations. Not ‘that trap’, asking questions leads to both adversaries & confidants, a great deal of DNA changes fundamentally by my belief in profoundly variating structures. I feel a happy medium between pursuing personal artistic elements while feeling the feeling grounded by connected reasoning, and a conscience for compassion & long-time gratefulness to  indigenous values. All these reflections ease my comfort zones.

RPRT 3: Meta reflections &
the zuni carry-on-your-back influence needs more than many legs negotiating a sawed-up waterpipe, here the shofar is sacrificial for water solvency’s journey...
‘Keep out’ is .a primal begging 
To Succeed:
try a tune of  total use, no waste, the
all parts used
A watercourse runs through here...

Meta spiritual ecology level alternates with Breakdown levels, how much fluctuation can I take? a lack of ethics and water do not meet, the Colorado River and my trust in any centralized water security is further drained, I decry fracking!

Meta medium projects = 3-d Permaculture (model=food-forest) corrects, restores insidious megamachine & corporate water-abusing intrusions!

Meta perpendicular process-to-detail: birds dropping phosphate feed a fertilizing moisture below them, a nature observation, I reposition the planters! So much I can do!         

Meta Meta level = mindmaps here’s one that attempts to assume a circular operational loop

...I became comfortable in collaborations with water

I learned collaborations are the stretching of a lifetime, Dad’s scientific musings, books of water, congelo Books, I Libri water performances,  Matisse dance around Roy Staab’s Reeds in the Mt tremblant Lake, Barbara harmony’s karst ministry & cistern,.. a longtime mentor, Barbara sends me this testimony to this OP4 being relevant to her health: She was discussing spiders in her bed with friend Pat who brought up food grade diatomaceous earth.  Later that day, friend Ginger mentioned she was eating diatomaceous earth and feeling so much more energetic.  Barbara followed her suggestion of looking at pictures of diatoms and was reminded of them by my Dad's shell doodles. She also noticed in doodle pictures of foot that she supposed were pumps, that the doodle heel reminded her of pain in her heel, which she wonders now about being water related.

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                         Supports                FullMoonriseWater-Healing                570 words    9 images

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7-Year2 #1-LIPD     7-Year2 #1-LIPD Links         8-Year2 #2       

Links WW 8&9 Year2 #2 & #3       9-Year2 #3 Regenerative Healing

Right Brain 10-Year2 #4 Art in earth        Left Brain 10-Year2 #4 eARTh

Links 10-Year2 #4        11-Year2 #5        Nicole’s Elf reWrite 11-Year2 #5  

Abandoned 11-Year2 #5        12 LR Mahara     12LR i-web

water messages & dialogs with angelo Ricciardi my Italian counterpart forming Congelo for art-making books & performances, begat our Book of water at meta levels.

I made this OP simple in comparison with prior Ops, intending to give it a less than perfect basic study. I found myself relieved at taking on this less than perfection for the first time in making OPs & countered my father's perfectionist demands of me all my life, it feels good to have done this: to rely on my wits and intuition, while also using the good skills my father prepared me for. He always asked me to do the hard work first then use left over time for relax and enjoyment, Ironically I have learned to do the hard work on automatic and enjoy it at the same time. I even left the generic black background which intuitively became my most successful ploy, to be simple & leave it alone. I’m rewarded by a surrounded of elegant deep-sonorous black as if all the pages were water energy in a black hole in space.

Barbara Harmony Poem

...I have felt sorry for factory farmed chickens stuffed into large houses, debeaked, antibiotics too much phosphorus in the excrement polluting streams

Poor white chickens debeaked

I’ve never been in love with birds enough coming home every year from a friend’s birthday party and hiding baby chicks under the bed in hopes it would be the year that at last I would be able to

keep that baby chick

I’ve never been in love with birds enough until I started living with Koko-da a large Arcana rooster who lives beside the house inside a shed.

He goes in at 1:30 and eats cracked corn

He meditates on a 10’ high pile of cracked corn as his practice for carrying a celestial being on his back. He sends email to a radio commentator pleading for help for his fellow birds

I never loved birds enough